Royals We Won by Grace✨ . You never know the lives you are impacting by simply just being you and sharing your story! . I am still very speeches to be recognized for leadership ! To be the recipient of this Award shows me the beauty of Grace! Be Bold, Be resilient , Be you Royals . There is a generation waiting for your story . Award category : Using talent to impact young Women 2020 🏆👑 . Thank you @afrifamu for such a impactful life changing platform, recognizing the everyday hero’s who want to make a difference, and having me as your red carpet Host 🙏🏾💛, @bkemofficial Thank you for being the incredible man you are, supporting and loving on me! I still can’t believe God blesses me with a Superstar for a king, Let’s go babe. Daddy Jesus is doing it 💕 . Make up & Hair @niniloveartistry Cosmetics @notecosmeticssa Custom Couture dress by international designer @obuobia_bespoke 🏆 .

#WeAreRoyals #KingdomMoves #BeAVoice #InspiretheGenetation #JesusBaby #JesusBabies #KingdomChildren #Livingmybestlife #womeninbusiness #Godhasyourback #femaleentrepreneurlife #Girlbosstips #buildingmyempire #hersucess #shemeansbusiness #laptoplifestyle #liveyourdreams #womeninspringwomen #inspringwomen #blackspeakers #blackwomenwithconfidence #torontophotography #newyorkphotography #LosAngelesPhotography #Supermodel #GhanaianSupermodel #InternationalModel #CanadianSupermodelNini